A.F.Cortes Reel / Janssen Darzalex


Janssen D.L. Hughley

Produced by NEUPLOT for Hero Collective and Janssen
Director: A.F. Cortés  ECD: John Frazier

Central to the campaign are the “That’s My Word” Promise Videos, a series of promotional docu-spots leveraging comedian D.L. Hughley's platform, power, and influence. Utilizing his talents as a renowned talk show host and interviewer, these videos aim to prompt listeners to pause, pay attention, and take action.

The series features the families of Leonard “Hub” Hubbard, founder and bass player of the roots and hip-hop pioneer, and Keith “Guru” Elam, a Gang Starr member—two luminaries lost to multiple myeloma. Through their stories, they share valuable insights into the pivotal role families play in patients' lives with the disease.

Shot on-location and crafted to resemble intimate conversations between old friends, each “That’s My Word” Promise Video showcases D.L. engaging in authentic dialogue with real people about the issues affecting the Black community, particularly multiple myeloma.

Following a meaningful exchange where D.L. extracts vital information from his interviewees, the videos reach a crescendo, culminating in a call to action urging viewers to promise and seek information about the disease.